Freitag, 21. Januar 2011

How Andrew Breitbart Hacks the Media

//Noah Shachtman about the blogosphere as useful promotion tool//

Breitbart is criticizing Hollywood for using mass media to distribute their liberal point-of-view. But of course their is another side of the medal. Critic Noah Shachtman writes in his article „How Andrew Breitbart Hacks the Media“ on

When he isn’t on TV or drinking with rich guys, Andrew Breitbart spends most days combing through the thousands of tips he receives via email, instant message, and Twitter. He passes on the choicest of those to the editors of his three group blogs: Big Hollywood, which focuses on liberals’ hold on pop culture; Big Journalism, which calls out the press for lefty bias; and Big Government, which — take a guess.

Only looking at the two positions of Breitbart and Shachtman, there are a lot of hints that Breitbarts efforts are not arbitrary; liberal tendency seem to be striking in the mass media, which have, more or less, an effect on Hollywood productions. But Breitbart himself discovered a mass-medium- the blogosphere- as powerful tool to work against common structures in Hollywood. Shachtman writes:

For someone who claims to hate the “Democrat-media complex,” Breitbart sure knows how to work it. Few people are better at packaging information for maximum distribution and impact. He is, depending on whom you ask, either the “leading figure in this right-wing creation of a parallel universe of lies and idiotic conspiracy theories” (that was liberal critic Eric Boehlert of Media Matters for America) or “the most dangerous man on the right today” (from Michael Goldfarb, Republican consultant and former campaign aide to John McCain). Breitbart is, in short, expert in making the journalism industry his bitch. “The market has forced me to come up with techniques to be noticed,” Breitbart says. “And now that I have them, I’m like, wow, this is actually great. This is fun.”

Obviously both guys and both political sites nowadays know how to use internet and mass media, blogosphere and politicosphere. In some way they are accusing each other for the very same thing.

Find the whole article How Andrew Breitbart Hacks the Media by Noah Shachtman on

Noah Shachtman is a contributing editor at Wired magazine, and the editor of its national security blog, "Danger Room," He's reported from Afghanistan, Israel, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, the Pentagon, Los Alamos, and from military bases around the country.

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